to help children overcome nighttime
fears once and for all
Sprite of the Night is a 12x doctor-recommended, research-supported, and carefully designed product that provides children with a meaningful comfort item to help them overcome nighttime fears such as being alone or being afraid of the dark.
It tells the story of the mythological wood sprite - ancient woodland fairies who protect forest creatures and humankind. They are fearless, caring, and experts with a bow and arrow.
Mother Nature summons these magical creatures for any child in need. Sent to your home with care and special instructions, each a cuddly nighttime guardian that arrives ready to watch over and comfort your little one in a very specific way.

“The Elf on the Shelf®* meets a clinical approach to overcoming nighttime fears.”
- Dr. Joseph Cilona
Clinical Psycologist, NYC
*Sprite of the Night is not manufactured or distributed by The LumiStella Company, owner of the registered trademark, The Elf on the Shelf